TOMORROW OF ARKAN SAVES IN SECRET: the body of Milan Đuričić, Miki, was delivered in Serbia: | Black chronicle


Milan Đuričić Miki (47), who was killed at a dinner on April 25 in Johannesburg, was buried today at the club cemetery near Loznica, three months after the liquidation, Kurir learns.

As unuričić learned informally, he was sent on an eternal journey by the closest family members and friends, and there were no deaths or notifications regarding funerals in the city.

Priests at the cemetery

– Several priests performed opera at the cemetery. Apart from Miki's family and close friends, nobody also knew that he had been brought to his hometown of Loznica, nor buried because the family wanted to do everything without the attention of the media , which has lasted since his assassination. He is buried in the new part of the club's cemetery, on which, a few meters away, his father rests. It was not easy at all for his three months because he did not know whether he would be able to escort him with dignity and in accordance with orthodox customs – says our village source of Klupci.

  Killed in the Intercontinental
Killed in the "Intercontinental" … Željko Ražnatović Arkan picture: Shutterstock

According to sources, in a church of loznica, a meaning forty days was served, At that time, the body of Djuricic was located in South Africa. Only family members, relatives and closest friends were also present on this occasion.

Give him meaning

– His next cousin said that Đurici in the church did everything our customs required for a forty-day service. Then they did not know when the body would be delivered to Loznica and he would be able to bury him on the side of the father, who died four years ago – says the source, adding that the procedure of transporting body of the deceased Mikija had lasted a long time. .

– Mickey lived in South Africa under a false name. And when he was killed, he found Belgian documents, which were probably wrong. This is why it could not be identified immediately. When a policeman managed to identify him as a month after the murder, Milan Juricic would have had a problem with his property in the JAR. Apparently, everything that was owned there has led to this false name – explains our source in the case.

  Kobni burst ... Milan Djuricic killed in a jeep
Kobni burst … Milan Djuricic killed in a jeep photo: Kurir

Reminder, Milan Djuricic was liquidated on April 25 in Johannesburg, Unknown assailants shot him. In early May, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially confirmed that the fingerprints of the person killed in the JAR, transmitted by Interpol to Serbia, coincide with his fingerprints in the police archives. This was not surprising for his mother and two sisters because, as they said in the larger family environment, Djurićić's wife, who lived with him in the JAR, reported in the days after the murder.

– The transfer of the body was allegedly hacked by the fact that Miki lived in the JAR as a false identity because he had found a Belgian passport with him – added our interlocutor.

A quiet boy from Loznica
He escaped the JAR before the verdict

Djuricic in Loznica was considered a young man "calm, calm and withdrawn". When he left the city, the public learned in January 2000, when Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan was killed in the hotel "Interkontinental" in Belgrade. He was sentenced as an accomplice to 30 years in prison, and on the assumption that he escaped to the JAR in 2006, while he was not on the verdict, although he has regularly appeared before Dobrosav Gavric, detained in the JAR.

Mickey was the first victim on the crime scene
Serialization series of Serbs associated with JAR

The murder of Đuričić triggered a series of liquidations related to the South African underworld. Shortly after his assassination on 6 May, Gorgi Darmanovic Gorg was liquidated in Belgrade and Vojin Stankovic Zdrokinac, son of Dejan Stankovic, a former legionnaire who had been living in the JAR for some time, was killed a day later in Kruševac. . After a month, Dejan Stanković was also the target of a professional killer. It turned out that Ždrokinci and Darmanović were linked to the South African underground world, and that Gorga had liquidated the former Ždrokinac. Darko Kulic, 46, a native of Zemun, a friend of the late George Djordjevic, was the last in a series of bloody victims. He was liquidated in the suburbs of Johannesburg and is suspected of who killed Djuricic in April in the same city.

( Jovanovic / Photo: Kurir / Shutterstock / Djordje Jovanovic)


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