Tonight: When "pump" oil prices


We are followed by a horrifying shot, barrels of crude oil, due to the regulation of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to reduce sulfur emissions, will cost $ 200, which will lead to more transportation expensive people and goods. … millions of people will be out of work.

These explosive ads are launched sporadically in the media more or less experts, analysts who refer to studies, statistics, information on the research, consumption or transformation of black gold to the good informed sources … Wow, of course, he is talking about speculation, and as the market for crude oil and petroleum products is free, these prophecies have a significant impact on prices – not only liquid fuels, but also the price of oil. other goods and services in general

It is no secret that the oil market is fertile for speculators of various species, that it belongs to them the merit of being the price of a barrel at one point reached a record of $ 148. About who, how and why these forecasts are launched and can be put into circulation by fake inflated prices, Jelica Putniković talks with Dr. Goran Radosavljevic, Secretary General of the National Oil Committee of Serbia in the show " Sputnik Energy ". time on Radio Studio B or online on our site.

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