Twitter will cancel your order if you change your name to Ilon Mask


Twitter started applying a new method of fighting Internet scammers (called scanners) by removing all unsaved user orders that change their name to Ilon Mask.

If you have an unfair profile that is not associated with your phone number changing the name of the profile on behalf of SpaceX and Tesla Motors would automatically ban the use of the profile.

In this case, Twitter asks users to do a CAPTCHA test and leave the phone number to retrieve the order. "As part of our ongoing efforts to combat malicious activity in our services, we are testing new measures to publish orders using terms we can link to unwanted campaigns," reports The Verge, a statement from Twitter.

Ilon Mask is indeed your name, Twitter will allow you to keep it on your profile.

Judging by this, Twitter seems to be bitten bots that mimic the profile of Mask, who is also very active on this social network.

Twitter announced early July that it would remove millions of orders a day to clear the botnet and fake news.

According to some allegations, this network has almost five percent of unwanted orders, and more than nine percent of bot bots that primarily serve network abuse for various purposes

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