under our feet is an invisible BLAGO (video)


The scientific journal "Geohemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems" has published a new study showing that there are billions of tons of diamonds inside the Earth's crust, this which means that our planet is a thousand times more As previously thought.

Unfortunately, all this treasure is not available to us now. It is located about 145 to 240 kilometers below the surface of the Earth, which humans can not reach by any known drilling method.

Scientists concluded this after observing seismic waves in the interior of the planet. "When seismic waves pass through the Earth, diamonds transmit them much faster than other types of materials, that is," "Yet, although all the data indicates a diamond, we can not not claim it with 100% confidence, "he added, but added:" However, it is the best explanation we have. "

" Our understanding of the depth of the Earth is not the same. " I think that at the end, we will all be very surprised by what we find, "concluded Graber, and transmits the scientific portal" Lively Saints ".


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