Under the surface of the Earth billions of tons of diamonds


Scientists from the prestigious Institute of Technology (MIT) of the state of Massachusetts, Massachusetts, reportedly been sheltered, but researchers have warned that it's not safe. There was no rush to come as they are between and 240 kilometers below the surface of the planet, further than the previous wells and technological capabilities.

"We can not reach them and there is many more diamonds than we previously thought, "said scientist Ulrich Fol, an exotic mineral is something relatively common throughout the Earth.

Using seismology to analyze how sound waves cross the Earth, scientists discovered the walls that covered ent the earth's crust.

After further research, it was discovered that the diamond-shaped walls and the Earth have many more gems than they originally thought under their surface.

Scientists have added that these diamonds will not be found sooner. I collect expensive jewelry because it would take extremely strong volcanic eruptions to get closer to the surface of the Earth, and such eruptions seldom occur


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