Scientists warned that there was nowhere to rush to reach the Earth's surface below one billion pounds of diamonds, said scientists at the prestigious Technology Institute (MIT) in the US state Massasusets. comes as it is between 145 and 240 kilometers below the surface of the planet, much deeper than previous drilling and technological options.
"We can not reach them and have many more diamonds than we used to think," says Ulrih Fol. He added that diamond is not just an exotic mineral but something relatively common for all the earth.
After using seismology to analyze how sound waves cross the Earth, scientists discovered rocks covering the heel of the Earth. it has been discovered that diamond rocks and that the Earth has beneath its surface is much more gemstones than the first
Scientists have added that these diamonds will not be found soon in expensive branches because extreme volcanic eruptions would be necessary to reach the surface of the Earth, and such eruptions rarely occur. the portal is published in real time and "News Online" can not be considered as responsible for the writing.
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