Veleobrt in Rome – Sergei stays in Lacija for a double higher salary


A new episode of sage called "Sergey Milinkovic-Savić" took place on Saturday as new information on the future of Serbian football came out.

Source: B92

<img src = "" width = "640" height = "426" hspace = "0" vspace = "0" border = "1" align = "center" alt = "Photo by Marco Rosi / Getty Images

Milinkovic-Savić, who is at the mercy of almost all the greats of the world. Europe and thinks to be certain change of environment during this flight could stay in Rome

Sergey, according to information coming from "Boots", could spend the next season in Lacija, but with twice as much revenue and an oral agreement that at the end of the season Less than 150 million euros as he is now seeking club president Klaudio Lotito may leave the club of Rome.

Lacio is ready to offer a new contract to Serge, though the present is valid until 2022. The Serb would prefer to have millions and a half of trouble, earning three million per season.

Lebanese rulers would be ready s to promise Milinkovic-Savić to release him for the next summit, but that would not be in the contract.

This flight was for Real Madrid, Baron, Manchester United, Pari Sen Žermen and Juventus for the Serbian national team.

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