Vesti online / Vesti / Zanimljivosti / Elegant frozen worms for more than 42 000 years (PHOTO)


The two worms, which were in the permafrost more than tens of thousands of years ago, relived after the scientists left them and are now considered the oldest animals on the planet.

Cylindrical worms, move and eat for the first time since the Pleistocene, after being put to death in Petri dishes, says a team of Russian researchers in cooperation with the University Prinston.

– We have demonstrated the ability of multicellular organisms for long-term cryptobiosis in Arctic permafrost layers – the study authors said.

About 300 prehistoric worms were deported to a Moscow laboratory. Two females have since shown signs of life.

– The data we collected showed the ability of multicellular organisms to survive long-term cryptobiosis under conditions of natural cryopreservation – explained Sajbirijan tajms scientists.

The two worms came from Yakutia, the coldest region of Russia, where layers of permafrost (superficial layer of the earth's crust below the temperature of several thousand years) are abundant.

One of the worms is about 32,000 years old, while the other 15,000 years old.


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