(VIDEO) ZAGRLJAJ, OSMEH, PA KRVAVI PAŠAD Serbian citizen IZBO NOŽEM in front of the famous Maltese businessman


<img src = "https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/Kmkk9lMaHR0cDovL29jZG4uZXUvaW1hZ2VzL3B1bHNjbXMvTXpZN01EQV8vNGU3MzAzOWFlY2U0ZjdkZjcyYTAyYWEyNmQ1Njc1ZjYuanBlZ5GTAs0C5ACBoTAB" alt = "Photo: youtube

The Serbian citizen Bojan Čmelik (35) was arrested for allegedly knocked out famous hotel Hugo Cetkutija in Malta

According to media reports, the horror appeared in front of the hotel When Bojan approached Cetkutia, he laughed and "fraternal" hugged him and let him twice in the belly.

Injuries that he had suffered, the hotel began to bleed, but passers-by called urgently for emergency help, transported to a nearby hospital.