Vienna: a computer company has abolished the bosses – Technologies


In the company "Tele Haase" in Vienna, the bosses "abolished" their places of work and left the management of jobs to employees. This is the first company in Vienna that has tried the trend called "New Work" or Holocaust.

<img width = "678" height = "452" src = "×452.jpg" class = "attachment-post-single-size-post-single wp-post-image" alt = "" src = " 1- 678×452.jpg 678w,×200.jpg 300w, uploads / 2018/07 / bec-1-768×512.jpg 768w,×683.jpg 1024w, https: // www. dans rs / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / bec-1-200×133.jpg 200w,×107.jpg 160w, 1200w "sizes =" (maximum width: 678px) 100vw, 678px "data-attachment-id =" 461028 "data-permalink =" "data-orig-file =" https: //www.danas. rs /wp-content/uploads/2018/07/bec-1.jpg "data-orig -size = "1200,800" data-comments-open = "data-1" image-meta = "{" opening ":" 0 "," credit ":" – Roland Voraberger "," legend ": "", "created_timestamp": "0" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "," target_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed " title = "beak" data-image-description = "

Photo: © TELE Haase

"data-medium-file ="×200.jpg "data-large-file =" https: //www.danas The telecommunications company has been operating since 1963 and is involved in the electronics protection and surveillance system. The entire corporate structure changed five years ago when all forms of hierarchy were removed, some areas were abolished and responsibility shifted from the management level to 75 employees.

Any practitioner or worker is anyway. Markus Stelcman is no longer called a director, but he feels that he is a "director" in a newcomer. For the economic magazine "ECO" Stelcman said:

"The foundation of our success is the internal transparency.All the numbers that a company produces are available to employees." Nevertheless, There are limits: "Employees do not know what individual payments are, but there is transparency in business and anyone can make decisions on behalf of companies," says Stelcman, . When they started experimenting for five years, not all employees were involved in this type of restructuring. Some managers have given up. Today, executives have replaced a board that cares about the work plan, marketing and distribution. All workers and workers can be chosen to sit on the board of directors and work together on strategic issues. The company is run by the foreign exchange market that "everyone who works with pleasure, his job is doing well."

For now, the new concept of work has turned out to be extremely successful. "Concerns like Folksvagen, banks and various insurance companies come to see us how it can be done in a different way," adds Stelman.

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