Vucic and Thaci in Brussels on a standardization agreement


A meeting attended by EU Foreign Minister Federica Mogerini is scheduled to start around 9 am and end "early in the afternoon," Tanjug told reporters in Brussels. .

  Atomic brusel rtv jpg

Officially, this time, apart from Thaci, Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and President Kadri Veselji will be expected

while the Belgrade delegation, next to President Vucic, will lead the meeting. KiM office Marko Djuric

Federica Mogerini host of this meeting, announced that it will be at the meeting Reservon Wednesday "to watch the progress made up to here in the negotiations on a comprehensive standardization agreement and plan next steps and meetings to ensure that work between the two sides continues at an intense pace. "

in Brussels, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the Serbian side was looking for a compromise solution and that she "was fighting for something, not anything."

At the same time, Vucic pointed out that an important agreement resolve in peace, post

The party of Pristina, after the previous round of dialogue, said that there was a good momentum and the good leadership to reach an agreement.

Meanwhile, at KiM, there were arrests of five suspected Serbs 19659004] After the intervention of Belgrade officials and the announcement of a possible interruption of the dialogue due to this incident , they were released the same day

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