Vucic: letters to pensioners paid with party money – Politika


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today in Zrenjanin that he had sent the letter to the pensioners as the president of the Serbian Progressive Party, and not as president of the republic, to avoid paying the money. 39 State for the State.

<img width = "678" height = "381" src = "×381.jpg?x33771" class = "attachment-post- single-post-single wp-post-image "alt =" "srcset ="×381.jpg 678w, https: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / vucic1234-300×169.jpg 300w,×432.jpg 768w, https : //×576.jpg 1024w,×113. jpg 200w,×90.jpg 160w "values ​​=" (max-width: 678px) 100vw, 678px "data-attachment- id = "508618" data-permalink = " vucic1234 -2 / "data-orig-file =" "data-orig-size =" 4000,2250 "data-comments – open = "1" data-image-meta = "{" aperture ":" 0 "," credit ":" "," camera ":" "," caption ":" "," creative timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" "," orientation ":" 0 "}" data-image-title = "vucic1234" data-image-description =

Foto: EPA / Andrej Cukić

"data-medium-file ="×169.jpg "data-large-file =" /wp-content/uploads/2018/11/vucic1234-1024×576.jpg”/>Foto: EPA / Andrej Cukić

Vucic said that the sending of letters was paid by the party's money because he wanted to make the difference between him and his political opponents.

"I sent a letter as party chairman telling him that the party would pay it because I did not want to act like (Vuk) Jeremic, Dragan Djilas and Sasa Jankovic," Vucic said after the news. Essex Europe factory opening in Zrenjanin.

Asked about the statement by US Secretary of State Majko Pompey to support the Belgrade-Pristina agreement, Vucic replied that he was pleased with Pompe's position that Kosovo should abolish taxes.

Vucic said that Serbia was not even close to the solution for Kosovo and that it was not possible to reach an agreement on the abolition of "insignificant taxes".

He reiterated that the state authorities of Serbia did not control the fate of Kosovo, but that Serbia had its people in Kosovo and that it had to fight for its interests.

As Vucic pointed out, Albanians are ready to fight for the closure of their state and do not ask how much it costs in life or money.

According to Vucic, we must not believe that the Albanians will abandon their desire for independence. Serbia should not hope to change the attitude of the United States and the United Kingdom in this respect.

We need to know where we are going, Vucic added.

Asked about accusations of fascism formulated by the opposition, Vucic said that fascism was blamed on those who formed a coalition with the Dveri and the "Sotici".

According to Vucic, everyone in Serbia has the right to say what he wants and it is up to the citizens to decide who they will trust.

Vucic, interviewed on Vuko Jeremic, said that he did not want to talk about Jeremic before the end of the proceedings in US court.

He called Jeremic "the richest and most corrupt after Djilas".

Asked about the pressure on Zrenjanin TV KTV and claiming that Zrenjanin's mayor, Cedomir Janjic, editor-in-chief Danica Radic, had ordered the director of the Security Information Agency (BIA), Bratislav Gasic, to buy KTV, Vucic replied : "Greet me, Dan, never sell TV, I'm sure it's not true."

Vucic said that he has it's a smarter job than denying Ramush Haradinaj, who is in the text of the author of the Washington Post, it was said that Vucic, with Russia's support offered Serbia the opportunity to recognize Kosovo, if it did so part of the territory is given.

Vucic told reporters in Zrenjanin that he was ready to talk about a compromise, which would be the best solution, until that Pristina is not ready to withdraw the tax. Vucic adds that Haradinaj's statement that sovereignty is not It does not mean that negotiations are going on ad act and yes Pristina mentions Russia every time she should attack Serbia.

That I speak now about the relevance of his advisors that to write a letter is not my job, it's their internal fight, and such things do not interest me, says Vucic The text of Haradinaj.

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