Vucic on Kosovo: Will the Serbs understand us? | Policy


Agencies |

05. Jul. 2018. 14:55> 15:33 |

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reiterated today that Serbia is in charge of an independent policy, which citizens decide, but that in terms of Kosovo, we must have a realistic, rational and responsible, look to the future, and fight to get out

After visiting Zelezara, in Smederevo, he said that he was grateful to the Serbian people of Kosovo for having preserved their homes through the time and their Serbian name.

When a journalist asked him if he could Serbia is opposed to foreign forces representing the interests of Pristina, he said:

Read more – UNIQUE APPLICATION FOR VUCIC VUCIC: Recognize Kosovo, we will give you ZSO

"It is not only a question of opposing certain foreign forces, I am proud of it, no ambassador calls me and tells me what to do, it was not the case several years ago … The citizens decide … ", he said [1965]. 9006] But, he stressed, it is not only foreign powers:

"We must have a realistic, rational and responsible approach, not rely solely on everyday political interests. that the Serbs will understand us He does not want … ", he said.

He called for a lack of understanding of the results, that is, no one would say that it was good, for example, that the National Museum be reopened after 15 years. VICIC: END OF THE YEAR, ACCOMPANYING THE CHAMBER IN CHINA

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, announced today in Smederevo that he will meet with the Chinese President Xi Jinping in China at the end of the summer or early autumn

meeting with President Shi in late summer or early autumn in the Republic popular of China. I will still pray for our country, and President Si has always been a great friend of our country, and until now, every time we pray for something, he has done it ", Vucic told reporters in Smederevo

he speaks with Chinese officials, with the Chinese ambassador, he says, twice a week and more often. "

" We will talk about other projects Some roads will rebuild the Chinese, Turks, Americans.We are also talking about military-technical cooperation.It is important for our country, our country is neutral and must be stronger and stronger. with Chinese friends. "

If the Chinese opted for Bor, then the Chinese will be from Smederevo to Bor and we will have a new topic of discussion, added Vucic, recalling that the Chinese have entered the Ikarbus .

Read more – Vučić Si Đinping: Serbia supports the politics of a single China

As she says, Sija will pray "for something more".

"And I know you can not deny me, and I say to him," Mr. President, until you promise me that you will come to Serbia, I do not leave here. When we hear the reaction of those around him, when they start laughing, I know he's coming in. I'll ask him for the second big project, "says Vucic

He said," We have something great for Banat ", but he can say that everything will be over until everything is finished.

" Something for the central district of Banat We were competing with several countries, now we We are also Poland and we are fighting to be Zrenjanin, "said Vucic


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says Sasa Jankovic, the PSG president, has announced that he would take the initiative of his replacement and that he had a bigger job but he noticed that e some would mistreat people in order to be beaten by someone who would be the leader of the opposition

I want to put Djilas for the mayor, and he for the prime minister He will collect signatures for what It seems (Janković) terribly worried that he goes from the constitutional right to the mufte with a sixth, hardly, that he has not yet learned how are all the procedures, "I told them said, "Let them do their work, let them waste time, mistreat people to beat them, who will be their leader for five, ten and 15%. More important work than Vucic commented DS 'criticism that the SNS has allocated more money for lighting in Belgrade and has reduced it for children' s education, Vucic said. that they still remained the debts of the previous Belgrade government led by Djilas.

"Today, we are still repaying debts to parents in Belgrade for children's gardens that were twice as expensive, all that Đilas was asking for to make it richer, so that Jeremić would be even richer, so that Jankovic has the highest salary in Serbia.Vucic says that he hopes to invest even more because, as he says, Belgrade attracts more and more tourists

"The fact that They have begun to hate their city, and their country … ", he noted, declaring that the number of tourists in Serbian prestige is increasing annually by a double-digit number, and that now , unlike the previous period, guests can visit two more museums.

Vučić Artists who have not paid the contributions of the previous government in Belgrade are now 2500.

A how he comments on the declaration of Dragan Đilas according to which it is a decision As absurd and shameful as naming Partizan basketball player and Goran Grbović's national team as director Stark Arena, Vucic said it's a shame that Dragan Djilas is talking about someone and is using such words, and that "the shameful adjective goes first with his behavior."

Read more – Vucic: Djilas and Sapic ruined Belgrade

"First of all, he would remain loyal to his behavior and the theft he committed against the citizens of Serbia, as well as his party friend, Jeremic. They all looted and became one of the richest people, "Vucic said.

Vucic says that Djilas is bothered by" an honest man, the Partizan legend "and thinks that Grbovic will bring in more. sports content to his new job.] "My message to Grbovic is not boring, the worst that is said of him that people will prefer him more and that people will greet him more and more. more everywhere, "says Vucic.
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