Vui: For Ugljanin, they are a little boy


Serbian President Aleksandar Vui believes that citizens "do not need much to get involved" because of what BNV leader Sulejman Ugljanin said.

Source: Beta

  Photo: Tanjug / Dimitrije Goll

Photo: Tanjug / Dimitrije Goll

As you have said, Ugljanin is not there.

Commenting on Ugljanin's accusations to the Serbian authorities after Kosovo Foreign Minister Bedoly Pacolije was banned from visiting Novi Pazar at the invitation of the BNV leader, Vui believes that Ugljanin calls the latter and subsequent accusations to "make a promise".

"For this Ugljanin prija, these are rumors for a small child, he also accused Rasim Ljajia of being a killer." He promised himself, and unfortunately, he did, but he did not do it. In Sandak, we Bonjake are very excited and we are fighting for them as we fight for the Serbs, "Vui told reporters in Belgrade.

He added that the cancellation of the announcement from Pacoli's visit to Novi Pazar was "the most normal and understandable"

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