11/27/2018. 12:43
Photo: Shutterstock
Today, November 27, the Orthodox Church and its faithful celebrate the feast dedicated to St. Philip the Apostle, as well as the Christmas invasion – the last day that it is allowed to eat from the meat and white bread this year.
Namely, tomorrow begins the big Christmas post, which will last until the feast of the birth of Christ on January 7th.
Most poker-related traditions are related to the protection of evil spirits, the pagan descent and, in many places, are celebrated through parties with masked players and a loud concert.
The beliefs of people associated the period of unleashing with an increased danger of evil forces and witches, of which they were symbolically protected, such as a white onion or ritual fire (olalia). In Homol, in the case of the Wallachian population, it was usual to skip these fires and play with them. In Kosovo, fun parades symbolized the marriage of the royal marks.
Tents are usually a day of unlimited enjoyment for eating, drinking and celebrating, and are practiced around the world. Fairs and carnivals under masks are characteristic of Italians, Croats, French, Germans, Spaniards, Latin Americans and others. They are also celebrated among Orthodox Christians, especially in Greece and Russia. Rallies in Russia are celebrated by Maslenica holidays. Most traditional traditions include the ceremonial incineration of a straw doll that can have different symbolic meanings.
Photo: Shutterstock
Poker Serbs are marked before the start of the Christmas fast, as well as before Easter or fasting (white ties).
Christmas presents are a church and a national holiday. Sometimes this week, in the Serbian villages around Smederevo, chanted the passage of masked parades, while the villagers used to give them meat, bacon, cakes, but most often eggs. Parade participants were often represented by happy wedding guests who laughed and laughed. As a rule, it would be a young villager and rarely a girl.
Similar customs exist among the Serbs of Popovo Polje in Herzegovina and Vojvodina. There, the villages visit the processions of the "swordsman", dressed in men dressed in old torn clothes.
Poklanci are a day of forgiveness and joy. It was thought that during the fasting period, one should enter without sin. In the homes, one traditionally prepares a rich feast of mourning, especially the same white woman who gave her name to this feast.
The Christmas post is established so that before the day of Christ's birth we may be cleansed by repentance, prayer, and fasting, so that hearts, souls, and pure bodies may be amazed at to receive the Son of God who has appeared to the world, in addition to ordinary gifts and sacrifices, a pure heart and the desire to follow his teaching.
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