Dragan Zolnajić (53), whom he had been looking for for eight days, shot himself in the mouth and then turned off at Subotica Hospital. His wife Svetlana was found dead in the suburbs between Subotica and Palic.
The search for spouses in the city of Aleksandrovac, near Subotica, has given rise to a tragic epilogue which, as it is now supposed, is the culprit Dragan. Namely that "Blic" unknowingly discovers it, the police suspect that it is about a murder and a suicide, Dragan first killed his wife and then he got his hands on it.
The evil facts of this crime began to appear yesterday afternoon, when a seriously wounded Dragan Zolnajic was found in a house owned by his mother-in-law's mother-in-law. It turned out that he was shot in the mouth and when the police and the ambulance arrived on the spot, he still gave signs of life. However, shortly thereafter, he succumbed to injuries in a subotica hospital.
At the same time, the police also found his wife's body in a mansion located in an orchard between Subotica and Palic and, as Blic learned, the body was covered with blankets and stuffed with jaws of apple.
For now, we do not know how an unhappy woman was killed, or even where her body was found. The bodies of the married couple Zolnajić will be sent to the autopsy.
Although no one knows for sure the motive of this crime, according to unofficial information, the police are investigating the possibility that Dragan raised his hand on Svetlan because of jealousy. Namely, she would have told her husband that she had found someone and that he had killed her because of it.
Recall, when information revealed that the married couple had disappeared, first Svetlana on November 16, and then Dragan, four days later, family members said they were afraid to be abducted and Dragan went looking for him. The financial debts were reported unofficially and family members received several reports that Dragan and Svetlana were seen together, as well as individually.
Dragan occupied various shops, while Svetlana, according to his cousins, worked in Slovenia.
The cousins left three grown children, a girl and two sons. None of the children live in Subotica.
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