We run on wooden tires


Michelin tires were designed to use wood chips rather than petroleum based ingredients.

The automotive rubber industry is closely associated with the petroleum industry, since the ingredients produced from this source of energy are used in the production of tires.

In recent years, automakers are increasingly turning to alternative energy systems to create the prerequisites for the use of petroleum derivatives as propellant fuel.

With their traces, they produce and manufacture tires, including one of the largest in the industry – the Michelin French. How tart Motoring.com.au, this company intends to empty the oil components of the tire manufacturing process. Currently, 80% of modern tire materials are derived from petroleum.

Michelin offers polymers derived from petroleum-derived elastin, replaced by a wood-based material formed as waste during the treatment of wood.

A French company hopes to build the first wood-based automotive rubber tire in 2020.

In addition to reducing the dependence of the oil company, wood chips are easier to obtain, with costs of transport lower, since they can be obtained on local crutches near the tire factory.

Michelin believes that it is a decline for the future of the automotive tire industry. The French manufacturer is also working on pneumatic tire technology, which we, 10-15 years ago.

"We are currently in the early stages of tire development, but we expect this process to be used in the industrial tire industry in the future" cited by Michelin. = fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "http: // fbds.src =" fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "fbds.async = true; fbds.src =" window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); /connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js";var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _ fbq.loaded = true}}); window._fbq window._fbq || = []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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