What are the new rules announced for moguls |


If you are a freelancer, you are probably a poor entrepreneur. In this case, you are very familiar with all the complications that this company brings with all its advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, the changes announced by NALED have affected the work of all those who are taxed on a flat basis. And while some of the changes are positive, some risky risks are dismissed by entrepreneurs in the gray zone.

Announced benefits for advertised contractors for this year were given in their form. As N1 passes on, entrepreneurs who function as lenders (ie have a limited annual business figure and fixed tax), life can be reversed if the National Alliance proposals Local and Economic Development (NALED) are adopted. It seems that the main idea is to suppress the gray economy and simplify the complete tax system

Five proposals to modify lump-sum transactions

NALED has proposed five proposals that should introduce a higher order in the working system of the poor:

  1. Automation of decision-making by who can be pastor
  2. Current limit of six million to adjust to activities
  3. Automation of the decision making of the tax administration on the amount of taxes and contributions
  4. Tax exemption of lump sums with income up to 200 l euro in the first year of operation

Although the proposal is undoubtedly given the best intentions, their implementation is at least problematic. In the proposals, much depends on trust in the tax system, which has so far proven slow, complicated and disorganized.

Automation of the lump-sum taxation process

The first proposal concerns decision-making automation which may be a break . NALED suggests developing software that would allow automatic verification and decision making based on submitted data. In the same procedure, a solution would automatically be made about the tax and contributions that should be paid in the year of establishment.

This decision would certainly speed up the work and improve the system that is currently working very poorly. The current situation is that the decision on the lump sum is late, while the decision on the amount of tax usually arrives at the end of the year, when the entrepreneur has 15 days to pay the full tax for the whole year. This proposal is generally logical and positive but it should be known even before deciding on any activity outside the VAT system and the magnitude of the tax burden. However, these are general things that do not depend on each case. Need to offer as much transparency as possible when opening a business in order to avoid mistakes and unpleasant surprises

The new suggestion is can -being the most problematic, and it concerns ] limiting the annual lump-sum income which currently stands at 6 million dinars. The proposal is that the limits be modified according to the activity, which is an unnecessary restriction. In this way, only those who are willing to change their activities will be forced to "escape" from those where the restriction is reduced. However, the biggest problem of this proposal is the idea that the entrepreneur can not have more than 80% of the income of a single customer

This idea is absolutely unacceptable for most customers who bill their services to a single customer. who work for long-term partners. The same applies if the income is obtained through an online contract platform, and even if you work for more than one customer, the registration in the bank would indicate that you have an income from a source. The initial idea is probably the removal of the gray economy, but this is not a solution as they are attacked by non-transmitters who are not at the root of the problem, but by big companies looking to avoid paying taxes.

Subjectivity in the decision of the tax administration on the amount of taxes and contributions is eliminated, it was suggested that tax solutions are automated . This would accelerate the adoption of a solution that is currently in place for a year and the applicants pay for the whole year under the old solution ] for pay the difference at the end of the year However, automation can be heard here about the head because the role of the tax inspector is precisely to estimate the costs that the plumber has had during the year to make a decision on possible relief. In the new system, everything would be computerized, and even such a process would not reduce the impact, for example, heads of tax administrations who are autonomous to make decisions in their municipality at their own discretion.

The solution where the payment of the tax to an account is logical, simple and necessary, and no one will rebel who will no longer have to complete multiple payments each month.

With respect to tax exemption for fixed-rate workers who earn up to 200 euros the first year C & # 39; is a good suggestion that encourages people to open their business and not worry about a decline if the work slows down during the first year. However, 200 euros can be a modest sum, and it might be better to raise 300-350 euros.

Since the beginning of the year in Serbia 9,902 new companies have been established, which represents a growth of 2 6% compared to the same period the year last however, only 3% of entrepreneurs registered their businesses electronically, although the Agency of Commercial Registries (APR) provided them with this option. The data indicates that citizens continue to decide to go to the APR, wait at the counters and send the registration documents by mail.

In Serbia, according to data from the Tax Administration, it works – 116,800 loggers . According to the activities, is the most taxi driver – about 12,500 followed by legal jobs – with 10,000 breaks hairdressers with about 7,500 thousand 7,000 and consultants with about five and a half thousand and changes can be expected in the second half of the year .

We hope that some NALED proposals, although modified in the interest of freelancers, and also the state that will work more effectively, to collect taxes and encourage people to work according to the rules.

Source: N1, Tanjug

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