"Where are you going to kill, will never happen!" After moving, Nadejda Biljić Miki sent a message! | Recent news



Photo: Screenshot of YouTube / Official Co-op

Nadezhda Biljic was sitting in front of the White House tonight and was smoking. She watched the colleagues walk and imagine that she was traveling. When they left, Biljić sang a song for his soul only.

It was a song "Separe" performed by the famous singer Aleksandra Prijović.

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– And where you hit it, it will never hurt again. Because where you're kissing, it hurts I can not stand it. So, I'm leaving, when the time has come, "Nadezda chanted.

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Has she dedicated this poem to her ex-fiancée, Miki Đuričić, who recently physically hit the crutch?

What did all this look like, see the video below.

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