While in the west they are fighting for piracy, Turkey is struggling


Turkish manufacturing companies are turning to West Africa and other countries rising in response to tariffs and introducing quotas for sale in the United States and in the United States. 39; EU.

Source: Tanjug

(Photo: Thinkstock)

Namik Ekini, the president of the Turkish Association of Steel Exporters, told Reuters that Turkey is seeking to boost trade with developing countries. West Africa and Supachar where it exists

"Considered by the types of products that this country uses, it is products such as elastic straps and tubes that we have the ability to produce, so these countries are eager to know we have ansu, "said Ekini.

He adds that West Africa is a bitter to work in the first phase, and the next targets are the Caribbean, America Juna and Southeast Asia.

According to information provided by the Association of Steel Exporters, capital-intensive products (investment in capital rather than labor) used in the automotive and industrial industry participate in a q uart of Turkish production of elixir and products such as elastic straps and tubes. 53 percent.

According to information from the World Elk Association, Turkey is the eighth largest silicon manufacturer in the world and occupies another place in the global export of the belt.

Ekin said that the Association of Turkish Exporters will jointly launch a new incineration business to target the trimmings, which will conclude transport contracts for the transport and delivery of goods, for the purpose of & dquo; Increase the Turkish trinity in West Africa. percent to 15 percent. It is expected that this project will reduce the cost of transporting steel exports to West Africa at around $ 30 per ton, compared to nearly $ 100 per tonne. would make the Turkish elite more competitive, said Ekini

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