Why did not anyone land the MONTH in the last 45 years?


  judzin sernan02 photo NASA Harrison H. Schmitt

Photo: NASA, Harrison H. Schmitt / Wikipedia

NASA's Apollo 17 mission that brought 12 people to the moon in 1972 so far to be their greatest success. Astronomers collect stones, photograph everything they can, perform a number of experiments, pose flags and return home.

Despite this great mission of several weeks, the Apollo program did not allow people to stay on the Moon in the long run. Even today, 45 years after this last mission, there are many reasons why people should return to Earth's satellite.

Researchers and entrepreneurs believe that the Moon's base could become a service station for long space travel. build telescope telescopes, facilitate the possibility of life on Mars and solve the eternal scientific mysteries surrounding the emergence of the Earth and the Moon. There is also a tourist potential

– A permanent research station on the Moon is the next logical step. It's only at a distance of three days. We have to invent a few things and test them before going into space – says former astronaut Chris Hadfield

however, a series of astronauts and astronauts. Experts will say that the obstacles that had no missions on the moon were trivial and trivial. 19659008] Budget

A particularly important barrier is expenditure. Under the law signed by US President Donald Tramp in March 2017, NASA's annual budget is $ 19.5 billion and, next year, it could reach $ 19.9 billion. Although this is a significant amount, compared to allowances eg. the US military, which accounts for about $ 600 billion a year, seems insignificant. One particularly important project is the modernization and expansion of the nuclear arsenal.

– NASA's share of the federal budget peaked at 4% in 1965. Over the last 40 years, it has remained below 1%, and reached 0.4% of the federal budget over the past year. Last 15 years – Walter Kaningem, astronaut of the Apollo 7 mission.