Will "gaseous" substances from Poland be produced?


There is a kind of revolution on the global gas market today. Poland, with other countries, participates in large scale investment projects. On the future of the Polish gas industry and energy independence, Sputnik spoke with the head of the analysis center of the Russian National Energy Security Fund, Alexander Paseichnik

Tomas Stempenie , a spokesman for the Polish gas-system gas (Baltic Pipe), as well as the expansion of the Svinoujšce port terminal for the reception of tankers with liquid gas from the United States, but also thanks to new Warsaw joint projects with Kiev and Prague, Poland can become a new gas. More recently, the sum of the capital investments of the gas company will increase from one to one to two billion zlotys a year.

Polish experts in the gas industry hope that after 2022, when a long-term contract with the Russian Federation on the delivery of natural gas from the Jamal Peninsula north of the Siberia will expire, Poland will become independent as regards the supply of energy sources. Poland also rose after a debate in the US Congress on the bill on the possible introduction of sanctions against the Russian project "North Stream 2".

About the future of the Polish gas industry and energy independence Aleksandar Pasečnik

What are the prospects for the realization of the Polish initiative to create a center energy on its territory?

small chance. There are already countries that really have more opportunities, like Austria and Germany. Poland can hardly achieve such a thing, although "hab" seems very pompous in the context of logistics. And on the occasion of the discussion on the diversification of gas supply to Poland, you know, plans to buy large quantities of liquid gas from the United States, does not support the l & # 39; 39 idea that Poland can become an energy hub, hab.

I know that the Poles are angry at Russia, because we are selling Siberian gas to the Germans at a lower price and many of my colleagues have openly and openly asked why the gas is not not sold to different customers at the same price. I always say that under the conditions of a market economy, when it comes to price formation, everything is taken into consideration! With some partners, especially with Germany, Russia has built a relationship of trust over the years. In addition, Germany is the largest buyer of Russian gas, and whoever buys a lot, gets bigger discounts. There is one more time, namely that Germany is an important player in North North Strategic Projects and Nord Stream 2. And this is also taken into account. And Poland has distanced itself from Russia, and its economy, moreover, is precisely that the energy branch has become a hostage to political hostilities and the Russophobia of Polish authorities. I want to believe that this approach will not last forever. As for the bill that should sanction "Nord Stream 2", it can be interpreted as the strong pressure that some currents are taking on the tramp after the summit of Helsinki. Some members of Congress want to limit the influence that the current US president has on the creation of a country's foreign policy. If sanctions are introduced, this will lead to a deterioration of relations between the United States and the EU. And it is difficult for Germany to abandon a project that is very profitable.

Do you think that after 2022, Poland will buy gas from Russia, or does it really want it?

Poland is the political opponent of Russia in the field of energy, regardless of the fact that she buys large quantities of gas from our share. I guess they will continue to buy Russian gas even though they have signed contracts for the delivery of liquefied gas to the United States, which is more expensive than Russian. But these agreements are not binding. In 2022, Warsaw could say no matter what, claim that it is necessary to weaken the so-called hegemony of "Gazprom" and so on. But we will see what will happen in 2022 and will Poland find an even more favorable energy supplier? In the meantime, Gazprom has solid strategic projects. Russian gas should be routed to the Chinese "Power of Siberia" pipeline. This year, the Nord Stream 2 project should be finished. By the way, although we do not have a common border, we also export energy to Japan, the Sahalin gas goes to the seas in the "country of the existing sun". I would like to note that for decades, the European market of "Gazprom" was a priority, and in this sense, the Polish market. I do not think that after 2022, Russia will stop deliveries of Russian gas to this country. It is still too early to give estimates now.

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