YouTube arrives on apseek to extend battery life on your telegraph phone


This is an example that will save you the battery seriously

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It's now been less than 6 months since Google announced that YouTube gets a dark theme. Although the activation of the new option has occurred gradually – all iOS users have, while the owners of Android have been ignored

However, now that they are arrived at the order, Google needed less than six months to fulfill their promise. 19659008] YouTube runs almost more slowly for 5 seconds on these two brauzers

It's the apex that comes from the server and you will not have to excuse yourself.

Photo: Flickr / Rego Korosi

When the dark theme arrives on your phone, you know it because it automatically turns on when you open the application

If it does not respond, there is an option to disable it

However, you may need to leave it on because it will reduce your battery expenses because the phones with the OLED screen ( a lot of devices today) consume less electricity when displaying darker pixels, which can be a significant battery savings if you like to spend time watching the picks. zane vesti

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