Judges coach Vladimir Čeburin was brief and realistic after the event in Marakani . He stressed that the Lithuanian champion anticipated early stage changes as well as the atmosphere in Ljutica Bogdan.
"We were expecting a crowd of hosts against this large number of people, and there was nothing to say, our game was affected by the fact that we scored a goal early in the game. There was another blow, we have to admit that we made a lot of mistakes, and at the beginning we had to change the composition, leaving Topčagić out, then another player, " said Čeburin .
He also admitted that Zvezda was of better quality, but he added that Suduva has not shown in the right edition.
"In the second half, we did not defend well, we tried, tried, we are waiting for you now, let's analyze our game and wait for the second game, we gave our best. have disturbed our plan.Zvezda showed a serious quality.They showed that they were a great club.At each place they have a good player.From 19659006: MN Press
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