ZVEZDIN THE NEW NOT TO THE: The judge must fall in the hell of Marakana (COMPARE, 20:30, Sport Club 1)


Red Star decided to defeat the Lithuanians after the Latvians, head of the professional team Vladan Milojević has a recipe for victory over Suddu

PHOTO: I. Veselinov

Crvena Zvezda was elected seven days ago with a psychological drama and tan Spartacus from Latvia, and a similar match is scheduled tonight against Suduva in the second round of qualifying for the Champions League. At the biggest Serbian stadium they would have nothing against and the result would be identical (2: 0), which would represent a major capital for Lithuania renewed on August 1st.

– Patience and wisdom will be needed. Vladan Milojević, chief of Red Star's professional staff,

Spartacus was a troublesome rival for red. white, and Suduva was the biggest surprise in the first round and eliminated APOEL.

– Spartacus and Suduva are from the same football school. You do not have any easier opponents. Their coach comes from Kazakhstan, he seems to want a physically powerful team. It turns out that everyone practices professionally today, Suduu cheated before the first round matches. The APOEL has a terrible budget, all the cards are still thrown on the Champions League.

Srnić still suffers from pain

Slavoljub Srnić will certainly not be among the runners today, but it is possible to recover after recovery in combination for the team.

– Srnic trained with the team, there is even less pain. They slowly enter the rhythm and he and Stojiljković, we will see about the physical modification. The most important is that they are in good health – says Milojević.

[19459209] Star Departure Milan Borjan on the images of the day after the revenge with Spartacus. The news was, however, encouraging and it was not a serious violation.

Borjan for preventive reasons missed the prime minister against Dinamo, and tonight will be held between the tripod.

Milojević izvodi still a few praises to Suduve:

– The opponent did not make a big surprise, without worrying about being an outsider. Suduva is a competitive team, the race is excellent, the two matches against the APOEL played the same way. He comes from the championship in advanced phase, it comes in the form of a tension. I invite fans to come in as many numbers as possible and to help us, we will do our best to give you the full Marakan.

There is no doubt that the quality is on the side of the Red Star. The Milojević team is at a higher level than the first round

– We are more prepared than it was seven days ago. We are facing a very difficult game against the discarded team. The players are motivated, they are worthy and real professionals. I always have a dilemma on the composition of the team, I will see why I will decide.

The Red Star team is not yet complete, she is waiting for the leader of the attack. Milojevic does not impose and stresses that he believes in the current staff:

– I can say the same thing as before, that's about all . We try not to bring the players just to bring. We must see what is adequate and good, it is very difficult. Define yourself, waste your time, then realize that you have no chance. Not for us, there are also clubs, agents, players … Millions of things are affected. There are a lot of footballers that we could bring, but we felt that they could not help us.

It was not Milojevic who drew attention to the fact that the first match was with the national court: [19659005] – That does not matter. do not affect. Depending on the lot, we behave, we can not influence that. Whether we play at home or at home, the fans are with us. I do not see any benefit. Maybe it's sometimes an advantage when you play in another house, but everything is a matter of flaws. If you asked me to decide, I would say that I'm crazy.

It is not unrealistic to know if the Red Star will win today with a scored goal or with a saved net. She has not trembled in the first three games of this season

– We try to give as much as possible, and the less we receive goals. That's the philosophy of every team. We have a lot of room for improvement, we grow up. We can be at a much higher level and in defense – Milojević

A month ago we talked about the duel with APOEL, but the Red Star will still be online at the Lithuanian Court of Justice aujourd & # 39; hui. 19659005] – We were surprised by the dissolution of this twin. It has turned out that there are no absolute favorites. I'm glad that Suduva has passed, it's an easier opponent than APOEL. This does not mean that we look forward to an easy job, we are cautious and motivated – Vujadin Savic a pioneer of the red star

You were against Spartacus

– Last season Should leave behind, no matter what it was, but I would withdraw it. Against Floriane at the start, we were 50% worse than in both games.

Waiting for well filled stands?

– We are very happy with the visit seven days ago, our fans feel the importance of the matches and I believe that they will be even more in the stadium.

The Suduva surprise made by throwing APOEL out of qualifying for the Champions League is by no means what Lithuanians want to stop, but a result that disturbs hope before the battle of today.

They are, basically, a son at the stage "Rajko Mitic", Vladimir Cheburin chief of the profession and Aleksandar Zivanovic an experienced defender who defended the colors of Jagodina, Mladost Lučani Hajduk from Kula and Cukaricki.

– We will certainly try to play a good game. We know what the star is rival, we are familiar with his qualities. We will try to show our little European country under the most beautiful light – Cheburin

When asked if the judge will attack or defend himself, he can not simply answer [19659005]] – I can not say either, it will show the game. It is certain that we will not be on the offensive all the time. Rival dictates the conditions. We will certainly try to take advantage of all the weaknesses and all the flaws

At the conclusion that Zvezda had a competitive match for the weekend, the strategist replied briefly to the most recent Suduva

. a player who will play with us. Maybe this will add more players, so we'll see if someone will have the benefit.

Yes, there are no white flags, finally, Cheburin confirmed when he believed the shift of the team to

– The odds are equal right now, and for the further we'll see – do not prejudge the coach judge.

Alexander Zivanovic

– We were preparing ourselves intensely. By launching APOEL, we have made Lithuanian football proud. We want a good result now, knowing that only the first half is waiting for us today. We know the advantages and disadvantages of the Red Star, which we will try to take advantage of

The fact that he played for a long time in the Super League was beneficial for the whole Suduva [19659005] – We talked a lot about the atmosphere waiting. When we dropped APOEL there were 20,000 ardent fans in Nicosia, I tried to explain to my teammates what we were waiting for here. I believe that I succeeded in that – added Zivanovic.

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