Series 31 of the "Amazing Race" series includes veterans "Survivor" from Big Brother


CBS exchanges a million dollars for a race around the world.

The network announced Friday that the 31st edition of the award-winning Emmy film Fantastic race will leave the starting line more than a month ago than originally planned – Wednesday, April 17 at 9am / 8am, where it will be broadcast after Survivor and give merit SEAL Team something that looks like an appropriate entry.

This season, 11 teams made up of ancient Amazing Racers, wrecked survivors and former Big Brother Houseguests, among them Rupert! – will travel around the world more than 25,000 miles to be crowned winner of the $ 1 million prize. (See the full cast here.) Phil Keoghan returns as the host.

"Will the former Racers travel experience be the most useful?" Asks the CBS press release. "Will the former Survivors have a hard time playing and surviving the competition? Big Brother does the ability of players to adapt and expect the unexpected make the difference? "

Yeah, I do not know. But whatever the case, the Race"Beginning means the end of the Million Dollar Mile"Very short stay on CBS" Wednesday slate. The First Year Class First Class Contest is held on Saturdays at 8:00 pm, starting May 4th. Ransom at 9 pm.

Until the Race begins, a NCIS rerun will occupy Million Dollar MileThe time slot of this Wednesday, April 10.


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