Seth Meyers looks at the clearest signboard Trump's national emergency is false


After declaring a national emergency Friday for the construction of his US-Mexican border wall, President Donald Trump spent the three-day weekend in Florida.

"There's no clearer sign that this is not a real emergency, it's the fact that it's at an omelette bar," said Seth Meyers, host of Late Night. "In case of emergency, no one goes to the omelet bar."

Meyers also criticized Trump for his beige golf attire.

"It's nice to see that your emergency gear is the official golf uniform everywhere," said Meyers. "Look at him." He looks like a bandage six feet high.

"I'm shocked that he's not wearing a fanny pack and is trying to get them to take an expired coupon. I'm sorry, but that's not what our president should look like – but especially in an emergency. "

Watch the video above to see why Meyers says Vice President Mike Pence needs Jeb Bush for his hype.


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