Shailene Woodley explains what motivated her and Aaron Rodgers to announce their engagement


In February, Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers surprised fans when they announced they were engaged.

The high-profile future marriage was revealed during Rodgers NFL MVP acceptance speech. After rumors started to circulate that he was dating Woodley, the Green Bay Packers quarterback referred to their engagement saying, “2020 has definitely been a crazy year, filled with a lot of change, growth, incredible memorable moments… played some of the best football of my career. Along with the informal announcement, the news was later confirmed by Woodley during an interview on Tonight’s show With Jimmy Fallon.

Now in a new interview with Hollywood journalist , Woodley revealed why the couple decided to share the news at the time. “When we announced that we were engaged, we wanted to do it only because we didn’t want anyone else to do it before us,” said the 29-year-old actress. “And we didn’t do it for months and months after we got engaged, but the reaction to it was really overwhelming, and we were like, ‘Let’s politely decline [to talk about the relationship] for a little while and live in our little bubble.

While discussing the secret engagement, Woodley further explained that she has often stepped away from the spotlight and that much of her early 20s were spent saying “no” to various acting opportunities. “The prospects that have been given to me now as an adult have all come from my desire as a youngster not to spend all of my time in Los Angeles trying to pursue a career or be something that I didn’t. was not, ”she said. .

But now that the cat is out of the engagement bag (and we’ve gotten a glimpse of this gorgeous diamond ring), we just hope we have some great photos when the two finally bond.

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