Shallow Lyrics, Explained – The true meaning of Shallow of a star is born by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper


One of the greatest songs of 2018 introduced this guy from The hangover the movies and the artist more known as Mother Monster. Now, unless you're hiding under a rock, you've captured Lady Gaga's iconic emblem before the "Shallow" chorus, the infectious duo from Bradley Cooper's remake A star is born.

The song went wild during the awards season: it won the Golden Globe for best original song, two Grammys (best pop / band performance and best song written for Visual Media) and an Oscar nomination for the best original song. (Honestly, he's done better than the movie, and even Bradley himself, who was surprisingly ruled out of the Academy's list of best director, sorry, Bradley.)

"Shallow" also easily broke into the world of the same, generating everything from a parody of Muppets to, finally, this:

Basically, it's the gift that continues to make donations, and I'll cry for months once Gaga and Bradley conclude their Shallow performance at the Oscars. The era of A star is born will be officially finished (except every time I play the movie on Blu-ray).

In the meantime, here is a breakdown of the lyrics because it will take some time before we have the chance to have such beautiful music again.

Right away, the song emphasizes the obvious: Ally has to share her gift with the world.

And Jackson is the first person outside to show her that she has a real chance in a musical career. "Tell me something, my girl / Are you happy in this modern world?" Could be a hole in her stalemate as a waitress (and by extension, her insane routine of taking over from her father and driving friends). He continues, "Or do you need more? / Is there anything else you are looking for? Referring to a life she could have, a life as great as hers.

A star is born

Ally and Jackson, before "Shallow".

Warner Bros.

There are some prefigurations in his words.

When he sings, "I'm falling / In all the good times / I'm waiting for change / And in bad times, I'm afraid of myself", we can not help but think at the first time the film shows the singer with a bottle of alcohol on the backseat of his car after a show. He is plunged into darkness, a reality that will eventually consume him. And as the people of Genius point out, he fell in love with the girl who is about to join him on stage.

A star is born

Warner Bros.

Ally can easily see through Jackson and his rock star life.

The verse "Tell me something, boy / Are not you tired of trying to fill that void? / Or do you need more? / Is it hard to keep it so hardcore? "One wrote on the parking lot soon after the fight in the bar of Ally. Ally is not long in seeing the real Jackson: someone who is desperately trying to numb all the inner demons against which he is fighting while maintaining his musical career, a show at once caused by alcohol.

The chorus, written by Ally "the other day" just before meeting Jackson, reveals that she's just starting to be comfortable with the idea of ​​it. go.

While she's belt in the parking lot, frozen peas and all, "I'm deep in the water, look like I'm diving / I'll never meet the ground / I'll smash to the surface, where they will not hurt us / We are far from the shallow now. "Their common area, whether it's a scene, a recording studio or an empty parking lot in the middle of the night, is the only Where they are the safest, far from the critics far from Jackson's addiction to alcohol.

A star is born

"Shallow" was not supposed to be a duet.

As Bradley and co-writer "Shallow" Mark Ronson have said, the emotional ballad was originally solo presented by Gaga and company. Bradley, the director, was quick to realize that the duet was "the best way to use it in the film" and that the performance on stage is the first time Jackson hears Ally sing a song she wrote right away.

Another solo performance by Ally would have been great and all (shout "Hair Body Face"), but it's hard to imagine A star is born otherwise Bradley calls "the anchor for all the film".

It's a love song in the heart, but it's also about communication.

In an interview with Variety In November 2018, Gaga said, "For me, this conversation is what makes the song successful and beautiful and why people cry when they hear it. It's because this man and this woman are connecting and listening to each other. "

Lady Gaga

Warner Bros.

And it is this listening that gives Shallow a deeper meaning as a result of the #MeToo movement.

"We live in a time when there is so much talk about women's voices," said Gaga. Variety in the same interview. "Men listen to these voices. And also, men do not listen to these voices. Women are silenced in a very public way, as Dr. [Christine Blasey] Ford with justice [Brett] Kavanaugh. The appointment of Judge Kavanaugh is basically saying to all the women in this country who have been assaulted, "We do not care. Or we do not believe you.

She echoed these sentiments in a segment of actors with actors, Lin-Manuel Miranda, a month later:

A star Is Born [Explicit]


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