Shane McMahon has launched the Tuesday night edition of Smackdown Live, as announced, to explain his actions Sunday night on WWE's Fastlane Pay TV.
In case you missed it, Shane O 'Mac brutally assaulted his former partner, The Miz, after their defeat against Smackdown Tag Team champions, Jimmy and Jey Uso, smothering the A- List in front of his father and his Pittsburgh crowd.
The heir to the McMahon empire explained – after having made sure that the advertiser of the blue mark reintroduced him three times as "the best in the world" – that it was his birthright for him. to be called the greatest of all time, and that he did not need a giant trophy to prove it.
He also said that he had had so much fun beating his co-bestie at Fastlane that he was making the match official. We will see Shane McMahon vs. The Miz on the biggest stage of all, as the WWE invades New York and New Jersey in just four weeks at WrestleMania 35.
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