SHANG-CHI star Florian Munteanu on what you can achieve with his new ten week training program (exclusive)


Florian Munteanu is making a huge name for himself in Hollywood. After playing Viktor Drago in Creed II, he was chosen to play the villainous Razor Fist in Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings and will then be seen as the formidable fighter Krieg in Eli Roth’s Borders adaptation.

The boxer turned actor is a busy man, and has now launched its own ten week training program.

While most of the interview below is devoted to Florian’s role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we started out by learning more about this program and what to expect those who decide on it. to try. With it, the Hollywood star seeks to share how he trains for his movie roles, providing information as well as clips to inspire anyone looking to get in shape.

Check out what Florian had to tell us about his training program below and register on his site.

I wanted to talk about your workout schedule because I know you just started a special 10 week workout plan. For any of our readers who might be interested in checking this out, could you maybe tell them what to expect?

What they can expect is that the training schedule is exactly how I train. If people are interested in how I get in shape, how I prepare for my roles, or even before that when I was boxing, that’s exactly how I trained. I’ve not forgotten anything. It’s basically 17 years of experience, adding different exercises to my routine [and] leaving out the other exercises, so after all these years and with all the experience that I have gained I have perfected this workout routine to the point that I would say it is the best way to get in. form. So if people are interested in getting in shape and know how I train, you are there. It’s more than just a piece of paper or a sheet that I hand out where you can see, ‘Oh, this is the exercise.’ No, that’s it: detailed tutorials and I mainly train with you because I show you each exercise. There is audiovisual motivation throughout the workout routine, especially with scenes from my movies that should generally turn you on. I think motivation is the key if you want to get in shape, so this is definitely a premium, high quality product that we have worked on a lot. We have invested a lot so that people can expect a lot from their workout routines. For anyone who wants to know how I train and how I get in shape, let’s go!

It looks awesome and I have to say, looking on your website, I was blown away by the before and after photo you posted of yourself showing what you looked like. Is it important to you that people do the same and see how you have transformed your own physique?

For sure. It’s progress and you always want to see your progress. We live in an age with social media and the internet where it’s super easy to document everything, so why not? It should be motivation and inspiration for yourself so that you can see your own progress along this path. These two photos you saw on the site … I usually don’t get deformed, but I remember it was after the hernia operation I had, so with the surgery you have to take a break two months and your form is declining. It took me 10 weeks, and that’s exactly what I’m showing in the program, to get into the shape I am now. Obviously you can’t expect to be like me in 10 weeks because I’ve been doing this for 17 years, but everyone has to start somewhere, and I feel like it’s the perfect start. It’s really tough and tough, so don’t expect that if you get the program I’ll be gentle with you, but it will be worth it. That I can promise you.


Unbelievable. I can say it means a lot to you to help people in this way.

Sure. People would always ask me, “When are you going to set up your training program?” When can we expect to do this? Especially now that I’ve entered the film industry, my roles are very physical, so I feel like people are motivated and inspired by me and my appearance. We made the decision, especially after Borderlands because it was probably the best form of my life so far, not to take a break right after filming. Instead, we add three more weeks and finish this workout routine. I am very happy with the product and 100% sure people will be too.

Can’t wait for people to check it out and watch Shang-Chi, you’re clearly in amazing shape in this movie as well, so I guess your training regimen was a big part of getting you into that supervillain shape?

Yes of course. I have to admit that the training regimen is really, in my opinion, the perfect blend of building muscle while staying athletic and getting shredded. For the Razor Fist character, the jagged look wasn’t really the point. Our director wanted to create something as massive and solid as possible. I always try to be very athletic and combine different attributes of the sport, but in this case it was basically weightlifting. There was no cardio and I had to eat a lot. I weighed the most I have weighed so far in my career! This is what made the fighting so difficult. The more you weigh, the more you take that with you, and your movements get a little sloppier, your speed decreases, and it’s weird to move with that much weight, but also harder. I always felt like someone was pushing me down like a weight on my shoulder. You have to follow the director’s choices if he wants to create a look; that’s the goal, and I feel like we’ve done a good job on it. I feel like, Razor Fist, when you see him in the movie, he looks huge. It looks solid and looks like a brick. He’s like a solid wall and that’s what we wanted to create.



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