Shay Mitchell, a pregnant woman, takes a stand on epidural and breastfeeding


The fight is real when it is to explain the pregnancy to male partners who do not physically wear the baby.

Shay Mitchell knows it too well and has recently taken matters into his own hands.

In the third episode of "almost ready" on YouTube of the "Pretty Little Liars" star, she literally forces her boyfriend Matte Babel to put herself in her place.

The couple leaves for a hike and Babel wears a 10 kg pregnancy suit – exactly the extra weight that Mitchell wears, she says. She even puts devices under her costume that allow her to "feel the kicks" of a tiny human.

Mitchell, 33, was trying to help Babel understand what she was experiencing during her first pregnancy. She is expecting a girl with Babel, 38 years old.

In the video, both can not agree on some major parenting decisions such as breastfeeding versus infant formula or choosing an epidural during labor.

The discussions followed a course on the "basics of the baby".

Breastfeeding or formula?

Babel shared strong opinions about breastfeeding, which is the best way to feed the child.

"If you can not breastfeed, I totally understand …" said Babel, in which Mitchell replied, "Some women do not want to."

"I am against that and I am sure many women are also against it," said Babel. "I just think that if you have the innate ability to breastfeed and the child blocks, why would not you want the best for you baby?"

They bicker a bit before Mitchell explains, "because the formulas are good too."

Babel then shares some of the benefits of breastfeeding, but ends with "If you can not do it, of course, it's difficult, I understand."

& # 39; You say non-epidural, I say epidural & # 39;

In a later scene, the couple discusses his birth plan.

"I think we need to be more on the same page," said Mitchell. "You say non-epidural, I say epidural."

"Am I partial to the absence of epidural, yes," answers Babel. "Why, because I'm a hypochondriac, I'm afraid of drugs, my mother did not use an epidural … I meet women all the time who do not have chose to use an epidural. "

Mitchell compares this to obtaining a root canal without medication, but Babel abolishes the analogy.

"As a woman, your body is genetically modified to give birth," he says.

It turns against us.

"Well, listen, next time you can do that," Mitchell said, then took out the pregnancy suit.

Mitchell documents the couple's pregnancy journey in her YouTube series.


More: Shay Mitchell reveals why she wears diapers during her pregnancy


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