Shazam! Box Office follow-up projection revealed



Has he reached the levels of success of Aquaman?

By Adam Bankhurst

Shazam! It is expected that its national revenues will reach $ 40 million during its opening weekend, starting April 5, 2019.

According to Variety, DC's latest film, Shazam !, if the first forecasts are accurate, will beat other films released this weekend – Pet Sematary and The Best of Enemies – as well as Dumbo's second weekend. and the third weekend of Jordan Peele's Us.

DC surely hopes that Shazam! It will be the same for Aquaman, who recently crossed the billion-dollar global box office and whose suite has already been scheduled for a theatrical release in 2022.

Fortunately, for DC, Shazam! had a production budget of $ 80 million before marketing and distribution, which is about half of what was needed to produce Aquaman.

If Shazam! reached its planned $ 40 million opening weekend in North America and we compare it to other CSEF films; it would be less than $ 67 million from Aquaman, $ 93 million from Justice League, $ 103 million from Wonder Woman, $ 116 million from Man of Steel, $ 133 million from Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman: The dawn of justice: $ 166 million.

Pet Sematary, which is a remake of one of Stephen King's narratives and a 1989 film, is expected to yield between $ 21 and $ 28 million, while The Best of Enemies is expected to be between 7 and $ 11 million. The Best of Enemies "focuses on a civil rights activist (Taraji P. Henson) and a Ku Klux Klan leader (Sam Rockwell) who co-chair a community meeting on a court-ordered school desegregation decree."

Shazam !, who has had a too positive reaction since the embargo was lifted for an anticipated screening, will be released in theaters on April 5, 2019 and will have a ton of bad guys. In addition, we also watched how Shazam! is the sheet at Man of Steel.

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Adam Bankhurst is an IGN journalist who can not wait to see Shazam! and is terrified to see Petatary Sematary. You can follow him on Twitter @ AdamBankhurst.


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