"She is very talented with the numbers": Trump claims to have considered that her daughter Ivanka would lead the World Bank


Ivanka Trump is recognized by President Trump at an event at the White House earlier this month. (Susan Walsh / AP)

President Trump has considered appointing his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, to the presidency of the World Bank, in part because "she is very good at numbers," according to a new interview on Friday.

Addressing the Atlantic, Trump congratulated his daughter, a 37-year-old White House counselor, and suggested that she would be suitable for other administrative positions, including that of D & C. United States Ambassador to the United Nations.

"She's a natural diplomat," said Trump. "She would have been great at the United Nations, for example."

When asked why he did not name her, Trump said, "If I did, they would say nepotism, when it would have nothing to do with nepotism. But she would have been incredible. "

Trump added, "I've even thought of Ivanka for the World Bank. . . . She would have been great for that because she is very good at numbers. "

Trump finally nominated David Malpass, Undersecretary for International Treasury Affairs, as President of the World Bank in February. Malpass was approved unanimously by its board of directors last week.

In an interview with Atlantic, the president also congratulated Ivanka Trump for her "great calm".

"I saw it under tremendous stress and pressure," he said. "She reacts very well, it's usually a genetic thing, but it's one of those things, though."

"If she ever wanted to run for president, I think she would be very, very hard to beat," Trump added.

according to In the Atlantic, Trump said he was also proud of his other children.

"Barron is young, but his potential is great," said Trump. And Tiffany is doing extremely well. Don likes politics. in fact, that's fine. And Eric runs the business with Don, but also a lot in politics. I mean, kids – the kids were very, very good. "


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