She will always fight for their health care. – ThinkProgress


If a person had to get all his political information from Fox News – take, for example, the President of the United States – that person might very well believe that the most powerful threat to the fragile democracy of the United States is not the rise of white supremacist violence. within its borders, nor the alleged electoral interference from outside. The number one enemy was sacred and that's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The fixation of Fox News with Ocasio-Cortez is undeniable. The new member of the New York Congress has recognized, calling the network "AOC TMZ":

But Ocasio-Cortez's message is to educate everyone – Medicare for all, Universal Basic Income, a Green New Deal to save the planet, and so on. – and his answers are in line with this vision. People sometimes cite the prowess of social media as something in common between Trump and Ocasio-Cortez. But Trump's standard operating procedure is invective at all costs, even against members of his own party. The Ocasio-Cortez gesture must, whenever possible, be positive, even if Fox News devotes more and more of its programs to deliberately misinterpret its political proposals.

In a recent interview on Late at night with seth meyer, she was asked about Fox News's obsession with her. "Are you surprised by the speed with which they seem to have shifted all their attention and programming to you?" Asked Meyers.

"I mean, it's weird, "she says." And why are so many adult men just obsessed with this 29-year-old woman? "

Given what the American people know about President Trump's television consumption habits – he almost drove cable television straight into his veins, and typically tweets the ideas as if they were his Only minutes after these concepts were articulated by Fox's heads of expression, it is not surprising that the Trump family shares the disgust of the network with (or, so to speak, with a fear of) young people. , charismatic democratic socialists, fierce social media.

On Thursday, President Trump held a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for the first time since the brief summary by Attorney General Barr on the Mueller report. About two years ago, it was almost certain that the assembled crowd would have chanted "Lock it up!" Against Trump's opponent, Secretary Hillary Clinton. This time, the rallying cry was "AOC is zero!"(It should be noted that the AOC, unlike about 16 other Democrats, is do not presidential candidate in 2020.)

Donald Trump, Jr., the man who would have almost had a different name because his father feared that his offspring would be "a loser, "Warmed the audience before the president came on stage.

As the Washington Post reports:

"Think about the fact that every mainstream Democratic candidate is following the advice of a new Congressman who, three weeks ago, did not know the truth. three branches of governmentSaid the president's grown-up son, citing the enthusiasm with which Democratic presidential candidates have embraced the Green New Deal, the climate plan sponsored by Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.). "I do not know about you guys, but it's pretty scary."

He looked down at his notes to continue, but when he heard the singing, he stopped to pick it up, his face flopping in a broad smile as he watched the crowd and nodded.

"You're not very nice, guys," he said, pretending to reprimand the audience. "And that's not what this policy would do to this country."

It is no wonder that it is Trump who runs the rallies that essentially demand that a woman in absentia play the villain against whom the president is the valiant hero.

In return, Ocasio-Cortez's strategy was to largely avoid imitating the vitriol of Trumps. Her response to the Post's "AOC sucks" post was to tweet that she would fight for everyone's right to health care anyway.

On Friday night, at a public session on MSNBC, she stood at this approach: when a member of the public called former South Carolina Republican Bob Inglis, a "fool", the interrupted, calling the remark "unacceptable" and then turning to Inglis to add: "And that's the difference between Trump and me."

At this same public meeting, host Chris Hayes spoke of the conservative addiction to Ocasio-Cortez's content, particularly his advocacy for Green New Day, the appellant.GND AOC 24 hours. "

She said that she was waiting "one hundred percent" for this type of response. Maybe not exactly this genre. "Well, I did not expect them to ridicule themselves."


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