Shenmue 3 is now an exclusive Epic Games Store on PC •


Shenmue 3 made a brief appearance at this year's PC Gaming Show, revealing his interpretation of QTE's classic hunting scenes and a brief glimpse of the fight – and also revealing that it would be acting out. exclusive Epic Games Store on PC.

"The development of Shenmue 3 uses Unreal Engine and the support we received from Epic is excellent," said developer Ys Net in an official Kickstarter update. "The most important thing is to look for the most enjoyable experience on PC." Was decided with Deep Silver after many discussions that Epic Games Store would be the best platform distribution option. "

It will probably be an unpopular move, but can we all agree that Shenmue 3 looks … well, just like Shenmue. The new trailer also revealed the dubbing of the English voiceover, while Corey Marshall noted his loose reading of Ryo Hazuki. How will it unfold? There is not much left to discover, although the recent small delay has reduced the publication to 19 November.

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