Shenmue 3 Refunds will only be available for a limited time


Shenmue 3 developers, Ys Net, announced that Kickstarter's donor surveys would be published in mid-September. Claims for those who do not want a version of Shenmue 3 Epic Games store would be accepted. two week survey period. Kickstarter campaigns typically send donor surveys before the final product is released. It is here that contributors indicate the preferences of their products and their delivery addresses for the final rewards. The update of Yick Net on Kickstarter indicates that "refunds will be honored for contributors who have selected a PC version and are not satisfied with the reward options offered."

However, the amount of refunds will only be accepted by the donor survey, which will only be online for a period of two weeks. After that, you will not be able to ask for a refund. In addition, the processing of refunds can take from 20 days to three months because the Kickstarter campaign is over four years old and the payment process may have changed significantly during this period.

In June, Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki announced that the previously announced PC version of Shenmue 3 will now be exclusive to Epic Games Store. Some contributors were unhappy with this news. Especially since the announcement of the PC version, that of Steam. However, it is important to know that the Epic Games Store did not exist when Shenmue 3 was announced.

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Ys Net said it would "evaluate" the situation regarding the exclusivity of Epic Games Store, and Epic Games announced that it would process refund requests from anyone who would request it. But that's another example of some of the customer groups turning back against Epic Games Store.

Check out IGN's Shenmue 3 preview and Shenmue 3 wiki for the latest news from Yu Suzuki's long-awaited sequel.

Matt Kim is a journalist for IGN. You can reach him on Twitter.


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