Sheryl Crow resolves Taylor Swift's controversy: "It's the way business works"


Sheryl Crow s & # 39; address Taylor SwiftThe controversy of the masters.

The 57-year-old singer "If it makes you happy" made an appearance on Watch what's happening live Wednesday evening (September 11th).

At his appearance, Sheryl was asked about Taylor'S controversial masters after signing with Big Machine Records in Nashville.

"I'll be honest with you … I stay out of this world. I'll say one thing about masters, as I signed with a label 30 years ago … that's all. It is absolutely not unusual for your masters to change hands about 9,000 times. I do not know what the big stink was. I'm a bit out of the loop, so I do not really know, "she said.

Watch Sheryl CrowThe reaction inside …


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