Shooting in El Paso: Prosecutor plans to impose death sentence after indictment of murder


District Attorney Jaime Esparza intends to seek the death penalty during the August 3 massacre, according to a statement.

"The District Attorney's Office will continue to work hard to ensure justice and is committed to assisting victims throughout the judicial process," the statement said.

Qualified murder is the most serious charge in Texas, said the Esparza office. He is punishable by death or life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

In the days following this deadly murder, Patrick Crusius, an armed man from Allen, Texas, was placed under preventive surveillance, on the recommendation of the medical staff, the spokesman for CNN told CNN on Tuesday. from El Paso County Sheriff, The Sheriff.

The 21-year-old is currently being held without bail at the El Paso County Detention Center.

He is accused of having opened fire on unsuspecting customers at Cielo Vista Walmart, in western Texas, near the Mexican border.

He went and identified himself as the gunman after the massacre, the police said. He told the police that he was targeting Mexicans, according to an affidavit relating to his arrest.

In detention, the suspect was "cold" in his dealings with the police, authorities told CNN last month.

A few days after his arrest, police chief Greg Allen told reporters that the suspect had shown cooperation, although he showed no remorse and "appears to be in a state of disrepair. shock and confusion. "
The investigators would suspect the alleged gunman of writing a racist anti-immigrant document that indicated his disdain for Hispanic immigrants, which he said exceeded the United States.
The four-page document, titled "The Inconvenient Truth," was posted on the online bulletin board about 8 minutes before the murder, officials said.

The writing is filled with white supremacist language and racist hatred aimed at immigrants and Latinos, and the author declares to oppose "miscegenation" and encourages immigrants to return to their homeland. ;origin.

Hollie Silverman from CNN contributed to this report.


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