Shooting in Philadelphia: At least 8 shots, 1 killed at Philadelphia graduation party


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CBS Philadelphia

At least eight people were shot dead during a graduation ceremony in southwestern Philadelphia and at least one of them was killed, reports CBS Philadelphia. It arrived shortly after 22 hours.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross told reporters that four minors aged 15 to 17 had been shot, mostly on the legs.

Four adults were also shot in different parts of their bodies and one of them was pronounced dead at the hospital, he said. It is thought that all these victims are in their twenties.

None of the survivor injuries seemed to be life threatening.

Ross stated that eight or nine shots had been fired.

No arrests were made. Ross said that it was unclear whether or the shooters had escaped on foot or in a vehicle.

There was no indication of a problem in the area before the shooting, Ross said.

The shooting peaked in Philadelphia with another weekend of gun violence, said CBS Philadelphia. More than a dozen people have been shot since Friday night before the graduation ceremony, in almost every pocket of Philadelphia, even on I-76.


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