Shroud slams Call of Duty: Vanguard’s ‘rough’ beta as launch date approaches


One of the most respected voices in the FPS space, Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek was unimpressed with Call of Duty: Vanguard Beta, and has expressed concern about the state of the game as it approaches. its release date.

The hype train for Call of Duty: Vanguard is already near full swing, and with the second weekend of its beta sessions underway, many fans are getting their first glimpse of Episode 2022.

As the CoD juggernaut gears up to continue with another annual entry, gamers and content creators are already worried about the state of Activision’s next title.

Now, another prominent figure has tossed his hat into the ring of those concerned about Vanguard’s release. FPS legend Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek jumped in to try the beta, and worried about the “rough” state of the game less than two months after launch.

Call of Duty Vanguard beta gameplay

After trying the beta version of Vanguard, Shroud found himself with several concerns.

While broadcasting his beta gameplay to viewers, Shroud began to express his thoughts on the experience so far – and he didn’t have a lot of good things to say after his first impressions.

Immediately, Grzesiek shouted out the sound of the game. “The sound trips me up,” he joked with viewers before asking, “Am I the only one triggered by the audio? What the hell is this? It is as if the audio of the game is nonexistent!

After spending a little more time in the game, Shroud explained his concerns, “My God, that seems pretty difficult.” The streamer gave developer Sledgehammer Games the benefit of the doubt and clarified that “I mean this is a beta, but damn it is hard.”

At the end of this particular game, a viewer asked “What do you mean [the game feels] rough? “to which Grzesiek replied” I mean, just everything. “

“The audio is nonexistent, shooting your gun is cheap, hitmarkers feel cheap, [hitmarkers] it sounds cheap, sparks fly, it’s like you’re shooting explosive bullets, ”the creator shared, listing a list of his concerns.

“I’m sure these are all betas they can fix,” he clarified again, “but it seems very early. It looks like a very early build, but isn’t it supposed to be coming out soon? ? ”He said, referring to the game’s imminent release date of November 5th.

After dipping his toes into the experiment, it looks like Shroud has joined the list of those with reservations about Vanguard. Maybe his opinion will change after spending more time with the beta, but so far the FPS legend hasn’t seemed impressed with what Sledgehammer has to offer.


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