Sia criticized for her casting in new film, portrait of autism


David Oliver


to play

Social media users criticize singer Sia for not choosing someone with autism to play an autistic character in her next film “The music“- but the singer doubles her decision.

The idea for “Music” first came to Sia about 15 years ago, when she was writing a short story, she said last month as part of the Power of Women: Conversations series. by Variety. The film stars Kate Hudson as Zu, who takes on her half-sister Music (Maddie Ziegler), who has autism spectrum disorder. Leslie Odom Jr. plays the role of a neighbor who helps take care of the music.

Ziegler’s casting has sparked contempt and accusations of ableism, which is defined as discrimination against people with disabilities.

“The fact that Sia thinks that a neurotypical girl can act like an autistic girl only because she thinks her level of functioning is higher is ableism,” @worldofmila wrote. “The fact that she becomes hostile when the community tries to educate her instead of LISTENING shows her ableism and ignorance.”

“Sia really picked Maddie Ziegler to play a nonverbal autistic woman named MUSIC and was shocked people were crazy,” @OrangePaulp wrote.

“Several actors with autism, including myself … We all said we could have played it in the short term. This apology is just that – an apology,” @HelenAngel wrote on Twitter. “The point is, no effort has been made to include anyone who truly has autism.”

“Maybe you’re just a bad actor,” Sia written back. In another response to the same tweet, she wrote: “You have no idea (expletive) because you weren’t there and didn’t see the movie.” USA TODAY has reached out to representatives for Sia and Ziegler for comment.

“Grrrrrrrrrr. (Expletive) why don’t you watch my movie before you judge it? FURY,” she wrote on in a separate tweet.

The National Institutes of Health define Autism Spectrum Disorder as “a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a “developmental disorder” because symptoms usually appear within the first two years of life. . “

The singer-songwriter praised 18-year-old Ziegler, a Lifetime “Dance Moms” alumna. Sia says the teenager invested her heart in the role of music, being careful to portray the character in a respectful manner.

The two have previously worked together on Sia’s single “Chandelier”.

“I want to work with her until the day I die,” Sia said in her appearance on Variety. “She is the most professional person I have ever worked with. We are very close.

But people don’t buy this reasoning. “Hey – have you spoken to anyone who is disabled about their feelings towards this movie? And the lack of portrayal of #ActuallyAutistic people in a movie that will make money from disability? Is @Sia donate to causes that contribute to the equality of people with disabilities in the arts? ” @ Kris10Parisi wrote on Twitter.

Sia wrote on social media that “there are thirteen people on the spectrum in the movie.”

Some fans have come to Sia’s defense, however.

“Hey! Sia actually worked very closely with an autism center on the film and tries to positively show that autism is a gift rather than a disability,” @supportingsia wrote.

Sia said she worked with autism advocacy organization Autism Speaks on the film. The group, however, has itself faced criticism.

“This film was produced with the support and guidance of a charity dedicated to autism and certain people with autism.” one of its supporters, @georgecnolan, wrote in response to criticism.

“I had no idea it was such a polarizing band,” she written on twitter in response.

“Sia’s film is a very clear example of the problems (with) the charitable model of disability. Rather than actually talking to people with disabilities, in this case people with autism, people work with organizations that take their own moral standards and are shocked when we don’t. want their charity, ” @barisanhantu wrote.

Contribution: Gary Dinges


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