Silent Hill director leaves Sony Japan Studio to form Bokeh Game Studio


Keiichiro Toyama, director of Silent Hill, Siren and Gravity Rush, has left Sony Japan Studio to form a new development studio, Bokeh Game Studio.

Toyama, who also directed the Siren series, is joined by The Last Guardian producer Kazunobu Sato and Gravity Rush game designer Junya Okura. On YouTube, the trio posted a new video announcing their new game studio.

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After the announcement, Japanese store Dengeki Outline posted an interview with the team to talk about their departure from Sony and their plans for the future. According to Toyama and Sata, they had wanted to start their own studio for a long time. Age and the coronavirus outbreak also played a role in their decision to leave Japan Studio and start Bokeh Game Studio.

“I realized that various things in the world are changing drastically due to the influence of corona disease, and I became highly motivated to change myself, so I made that decision,” Toyama said (Google translated).

According to its founders, they already have an idea for their own IP, which will mainly be a stock title. The platform has yet to be decided, but Toyama has mentioned that he plans to launch the game on PC and console first. Regarding console exclusivity, the former Silent Hill manager stressed that he wanted as many people as possible to play the studio’s new title, adding that it didn’t necessarily have to be exclusive to the studio. PlayStation.

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The full interview contains some interesting parts of the team’s future plans and of Bokeh Game Studio in general. Make sure you read it.

As expected, Toyama’s departure from Sony has speculated a lot about the existence of the supposed reboot of Silent Hill for PS5. For some time, insiders have claimed that Toyama will lead the reboot. Of course, it’s possible that the alleged gradual reboot is almost complete and Toyama’s involvement may no longer be needed.

As always, we’ll keep you posted.


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