Silver talks about shortening the season; Calls All All-Star Game: "Put an Earloop on a Pig" – Amico Hoops


Colton Jones
Colton Jones

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Adam Silver he's turned out to be one of the most progressive leaders of a recent memory professional sport.

Speaking at MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Friday in Boston, the NBA commissioner said he would consider reducing the length of the regular season if the league could find meaningful ways to replace gaming and revenue that she would yield.

Silver also mentioned the subject of replacing the all-star game in the league with a mid-season or pre-season tournament, with teams vying for a separate title, as in European football. Team groups could also participate in mini-tournaments in Europe.

"The All-Star Game did not work," he said, calling it "after the fact" of the weekend, despite modifications such as a draft player's rendering. public for the first time. "I understood, we put an ear loop on a pig."

Silver also spoke of the atmosphere he feels when he talks with players, some of whom feel isolated and unhappy, despite the prosperity of the league and its players.

"We live in a period of anxiety," Silver said. "I think it's a direct result of social media. Many players are unhappy.

"I am an anxious person myself," he says jokingly. "That's why players like to talk to me."

The Commissioner stated that the controversy Anthony Davis and the pelicans of New Orleans were not pretty.

"It's a bad dynamic," said Silver. "It's a bit of a mess."

Silver said the almost continuous shift of star players from one team to the other is the unexpected result of a collective bargaining agreement put in place to shorten contracts, so that players do not receive no monster salaries for years after their entry into force.

"Maybe that was a mistake," Silver said.


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