Simone Biles thanks fans for support after pulling out of Olympic final


“A former elite American gymnast I spoke to told me that if it was anyone other than Simone Biles who had made the same mistake, he would definitely have blown his knee, at least “, he added. tweeted. “Another said if it had happened to her instead of Simone, ‘I probably would have ended up paralyzing.'”

“Most non-gymnastics fans don’t understand the gravity of what happened because she landed on her feet,” Hong continued. “Every elite gymnast I have spoken to has said that Simone Biles’ jump was TERRIFIC and it was a miracle that she put that jump on her feet and avoided serious injury.”

Biles herself liked several tweets about the twisty experience, including this explanation which revealed how dangerous the safe could have been.

Another Tweeter she liked from someone who had also gone through the same read: “As someone who took a jump while having the twisties, resulting in temporary paralysis, a 3 week hospital stay, months of physical therapy and a checkup for my mental health, I couldn’t be more proud of @Simone_Bles’ decision, even on the biggest stage in the world. “


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