Simple household items can be used to create spectacular videos using the Apple iPhone 12 5G


As part of its Shot on iPhone 12 series, Apple today released a video called Daily Experiences that shows how to use items found around the house to create memorable videos. Apple commissioned the video which begins by showing how cool effects can be created using party balloons, water, and colorful paper as props. This video is shot in slow motion on the iPhone 12. Filling the balloons with water and tying them up means that in slow motion all of the unique shapes formed by the balloon can be clearly seen. One suggestion made is to go to the photos app and start editing once the slow motion effects start.
By taking the filmed images and putting them into iMovie on the iPhone 12, the green screen feature can be used to make the balloons appear to be bouncing off other balloons. The green screen effect is used in television and film productions to make the background invisible.
The fact that baby oil and water don’t mix can be used to create a psychedelic looking video. Pour water into glass bottles until they are half full, then put a different colored food coloring in each. Add baby oil to the bottles and focus on video recording at the exact spot where baby oil and water meet; this is where all the cool action takes place.>

The last experiment in the video uses glow sticks and string lights. You’ll also need a tripod to use the time-lapse feature on the iPhone 12, and recording should be done in night mode. Shaking the glow sticks and string lights at night while recording can create some very interesting effects as you will see in the video.

If there’s one message you should take away from watching this video, it’s that you don’t have to look beyond the everyday items in your home to create interesting video content.


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