Rohatil Tasydu Athyaru, bi layaa lil maulidi,
wa bariqunnu riyabdu, my ma'am Ahmadi
Wa bariqunnu riyabdu, my ma'am Ahmadi
bi layaa lil maulidi
The name of Abdullah's father
Aminah ibundanya
Abdul Muthallib his grandfather
Abu Thalib his uncle
The faithful wife of Khadijah
Fathimah beloved girl
All noble
From the famous Quraisy ..
It's the story of the apostle
full of fun full of sorrow
Two months in the content
His father is dead
The year of the elephant is born
Orphans with his grandfather
According to custom
Halimah Breastfeeding
Six years
Wafat dear mother
full of fun full of sorrow
Eight years
Grandpa left it
Abu Thalib took care of him
Defenseless defender
As a shepherd child
Trade in adolescence
Twenty five
Embarrassing Khadijah
full of fun full of sorrow
At thirty
Unite the nation
When laying stone
Noble noble Hajar
Even forty years
Get a brochure
He became an apostle
The end of Anbiya
Lope :v
yang pertama lucu yang kedua bagus
namanya juga anak kecil mungkin lupa
jika semua berjalan lancar gak akan viral…..petir penyebab viral
Parodi udh rame gto yh
Pdhl sy br tw td di ig
Tau sja jga
Siapa yang ngamuk dibelakang wooy
Apa lagu original nya gan , mau dengar yg asli
Ceweknya keren main ketukan drumnya pas gitu beda sama yg satu ketukan drum berantakan haha
Bagus banget suaranya…?
Kok gemesh
minta love nya dong kak
Yang ke 2 ig nya apa?
akan kah di panggil di hitam putih
salam uyee
Moga saja nanti di panggil channel Tv…..dan banyak yang sukaaaa????