2018 World Cup: Rally in Uruguay against France and Brazil against Belgium – live! | Soccer





And breathe. Here we are. The day of rest after the day of rest, which, if we believe scenes from London, was not really a day of rest.

Yes, the knockout stages were fantastic. But the quarterfinals start tomorrow, so update this table, look at the Swedish defense and make a tear for James Rodriguez . Can we make this blog something other than thousands and thousands of memes "It's coming home"? I will do it or die trying.

Whatever the case may be, there is much to ponder. Uruguay against France is fascinating, and Brazil against Belgium seems to be a cracker. So we can begin the accumulation today – a 24 – hour accumulation that is simmering more slowly than Spain against Russia. Am I Isco's liveblog team, or Vladimir Granat (75 minutes, 5 attempted passes, no completed)? Ring in the comments.

Russian defender Vladimir Granat scored zero passes five times in his 75-minute cameo (including overtime).
Russian defender Vladimir Granat has completed zero assists at five attempts in his 75-minute cameo (including overtime).

We will discuss the pressing issues of the day. How is Edinson Cavani's hamstrings? How will Roberto Martinez adjust his tactics? How many times can you say "It's coming home" before you start filtering it completely into my mailbox?

As always, contact us! On email ([email protected]) or Twitter (@naamanzhou), or below the line. In the meantime, you could do worse than register for the Fiver World Cup – all the cool kids do it.


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