& # 39; Betrayal & # 39; is the most sought after word after the Trump-Putin press conference


Many people were looking for the right words to describe US President Donald Trump's press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to a tweet from the Merriam-Webster dictionary editor, the most wanted words were "betrayal". , "Traitor" and "collusion" after the simultaneous publication of the two leaders in Helsinki

A Merriam-Webster spokesman confirmed to HuffPost that these are the most sought-after words on Monday.

During the bail, Trump refused to accuse Putin of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election. Told reporters that "the two countries" were responsible for the poor state of their relationships. He also reiterated that there was no collusion between his presidential campaign and Russia and described as "disaster", among others, the investigation of the special advocate Robert Mueller on the Russian interference in the election.

After Trump called the European Union an "enemy" Sunday, Merriam-Webster also shared the definition of this word.

Dictionary.com also jumped in to clarify the meanings of the words that appeared during the two heads & # 39; meeting, which some critics call the "treachery summit".

The tweet of the former director of the CIA John Brennan Calling Trump's Comments "imbecilic" inspired readers to search for the definition of this term, Dictionary.com noted.

Meanwhile, Thesaurus.com has tweeted a number of synonyms for the word "disaster" after CNN's Jake Tapper described Trump's meeting with Putin as "an absolute disaster" and "embarrassing".