5 points to remember from the accusation of hacking Russian elections


WASHINGTON – As the US presidential election enters the final stretch in 2016, a dozen Russian military intelligence officers are scattered in Moscow, triggering a massive cyberoperation to disrupt the vote

according to an indictment released Friday. the agents developed a malicious computer code known as malware, hacked into the computers of the Democratic Party and silently watched as typed unknown typographers.

The Russians stole the secret files of the Democrats. They took pictures of their screens. They used fake emails to fool Hillary Clinton's staff by exposing their passwords.

And then, according to the indictment, the Russians have leaked their stolen information to the world.

Here is what there is in the indictment: According to the indictment, the main direction of intelligence of the General Staff of Russia, known as GRU, had several units that "were conducting large-scale cyber operations" to interfere with the 2016 US presidential election. 19659008] One of the units was based on a unpretentious secondary street in the suburb of Khimki, Moscow, in a building called "Tower" within the GRU, according to the indictment. Another was based near the center of Moscow, not far from the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has always claimed that Russia was not involved in piracy or any attempt to interfere with the US elections. But the GRU is part of the state machine, and their involvement would indicate that Putin was closely involved in the effort.


According to the indictment, the Russian hacking operation was so precise that they were able to locate specific computers within the arm of the Democrat campaign in the House, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee which stored information related to the election. They were able to search the computers for certain terms, such as "Hillary", "Cruz" and "Trump". They also copied records, including opposition searches and field operation plans

addresses and identities and a network of computers located around the world – including in the USA. They paid for their infrastructure using cryptocurrency.


The indictment says that Russians used "spearphishing" – a technique used to steal passwords or access computers. The summer of 2016 to hack individuals associated with the Clinton campaign.

An attempt mentioned in the indictment appears to be coming a few hours after Donald Trump suggested to the Russians to look for Clinton's e-mails. On the morning of July 27, 2016, Trump delivered a speech in which he said "Russia, if you listen," he would love to take a look at the thousands of emails that Clinton said he removed from his tenure Secretary

The indictment points to an attempted hacking the same day, claiming that the Russians were attempting to "harpoon for the first time e-mail accounts on a domain hosted by a third-party vendor and used by Clinton. At about the same time, the indictment indicates that they targeted 76 e-mail addresses in the Clinton campaign area.

In total, the Russians targeted more than 300 individuals associated with the Clinton campaign, the DCCC and the DNC.


The indictment does not allege that any Americans, including Trump campaigners, were knowingly contact with Russian intelligence officers. But he says the Russians wrote to an anonymous person "who was in regular contact with key members of Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign."

On August 15, 2016, the Russians wrote, according to the indictment: thanks for answering … do you find anything interesting in the documents that I am I published? "

Two days later, the Russians added:" Please tell me if I can help you anyway … "

In September, the Russians again wrote to the person and have referred to a stolen DCCC document put online. "What do you think of the info on the participation model for the entire presidential campaign of the Democrats."

The person responded, "(p) the standard", according to the indictment.

THE RUSSIANS HAVE FLY. The indictment says that the Russians have hacked the website of a state council and stole information from about 500,000 voters, including names, addresses, partial social security numbers, birth dates and driver's license numbers. They also hacked a national election vendor who provided software used to check voter registration information.

Federal authorities said that state election sites in at least 18 states had been polled by Russians. The indictment adds county bureaus – notably in Georgia, Florida and Iowa – to the list of election administration sites they've visited "to identify vulnerabilities" .

Department of Homeland Security officials said there was no evidence with intrusions from 2016.


Eric Tucker and Lynn Berry in Washington DC and Frank Bajak Pittsburgh contributed to this report.

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